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Accredited Senior Evaluator Training Program

ASE Training Program

The ASE training program consists of 8 weeks of a PSIA-based curriculum.

Week 1

Welcome overview and introduction to the ASE program. ASE scorecard

Senior standards Senior scorecard

Key terms: define each

Week 2

Review terms and quizzes with open discussion. Have candidates define. Intro to the five fundamentals

Intro to movement analysis.

Video ( 1 only) review several times

Week 3 Snowboard

Snowboard 5 Fundamentals Key Terms

Key movement patterns at the senior standard Ques for what to look for

Videos movement analysis

Relate snowboard movement patterns to skiing movement patterns using the five fundamentals.

Week 4

Ski 5 fundamentals – review and have the candidates define each Key term – review and have the candidates define each Movement analysis – video (only about two videos)

Introduce what the primary cause is for the movement you are seeing. Introduce how to develop a teaching progression.

Introduce how to develop a teaching progression to help attain the desired outcome.

Week 5

Review the scorecard in terms of using the five fundamentals

Movement analysis and Lesson progressions (do as many videos as possible)

Week 6 on snow

Do movement analysis in real time (do three skiers and three snowboarders). Instructor to video to view later On hill come up with a lesson progression to improve movement patterns of each.

Introduce Senior standards for skiing and snowboarding. Do demos using the senior standard video if possible.

Week 7 on snow

Review the videos from the week prior. Both the skiers and snowboarders are demos at standard. Develop teaching progressions for each video viewed.

Move to snow, Movement analysis in real time again.

Develop lesson progression and then teach it on snow (as a group)

Week 8

The mock exam is to be done from beginning to end.

It’s the instructors’ responsibility after week 8 to determine if the ASE candidate is ready to test. Use the scorecard to help determine the outcome. The candidate should possess the technical and teaching knowledge for all the snow sports disciplines. Also be able to perform demos at the senior standard.

Candidates who are ready will be asked to take the on-hill ASE exam. If the candidate is not ready, they will be asked to return and work on their deficiencies. Those people can still shadow or be advocates for a senior exam.

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