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Course Description for SATE – Senior Alpine Toboggan Evaluation 

1. Program objective – The Senior Alpine Toboggan Evaluation provides an opportunity for Senior Alpine candidates to demonstrate their knowledge of their toboggan handling skills, their knowledge of the mechanics and components of various rescue toboggans, and demonstrate operation of both an unloaded toboggan and a loaded toboggan in both the front (handles) and rear (tail rope) positions. Skills are performed in a variety of snow conditions on more difficult and most difficult slopes. The main objective is to determine whether Senior Alpine toboggan candidates are qualified at the senior level. 

2. Program structure – This program is open to all Senior Alpine candidates enrolled in the Senior Alpine Program, with a recommendation for evaluation from their patrol representatives or their Senior Alpine Program coordinator. 

2.1. Venue – This evaluation is an on-snow activity. There should be minimal off-the-snow time to complete registration and liability waivers, discuss evaluation logistics, wrap up, and complete course evaluation forms. 

2.2. Class size – The minimum and maximum number of participants are determined by the region OET advisor and Senior Alpine Program coordinator, with consideration given to the instructor, location, and equipment resources. 

2.3. Instructor/student ratio – Depends on the format. Clinic format evaluations may require more instructors/evaluators per student (recommended: 1:2 ratio of instructor to students). If the process is solely an evaluation, the minimum number of instructors/evaluators is determined by a region’s protocol (minimum of 3 evaluators) 

2.4. Audit frequency – Audit 100% of evaluations 

3. Course content – The operation of loaded and unloaded toboggans is evaluated. Although the operation of a two-handled toboggan with or without a tail rope during normal patrol duties at individual ski areas is dictated by local ski area management protocol, it is recommended that demonstrations and practice during this evaluation include the use of a rear (tail rope) operator. Likewise, a rear operator is recommended if a four-handled toboggan is used. 

3.1. Unloaded toboggan – front – Candidates demonstrate the operation of an unloaded toboggan between a toboggan storage area and the scene of a simulated accident. Operation includes pre-run inspection, proper route selection, straight running, demonstrating linked parallel turns of various lengths, direction changes (transitions) while maintaining the toboggan in the fall line, sideslipping and/or falling leaf, left and right traverses, and emergency stops. Demonstration and practice will be conducted on terrain suitable to the skill level of the candidates. The goal is to progress to more difficult and most difficult, groomed and moguled terrain. 

3.2. Loaded toboggan – front – Candidates operate a toboggan from the front (handles) position. Skills evaluated include route selection, demonstration of fall line maneuvers such as a breaking wedge (snowplow) for skiers and use of heel-side or toe-side edges for riders, transitions, fall line decent, traversing left and right on more difficult and most difficult terrain, static and moving direction changes, emergency stops, use of skegs to maintain stability, and braking techniques. Communication with the patient and rear operator. Demonstration of these skills will be performed in a variety of snow conditions on more difficult and most difficult, groomed and moguled terrain. 

3.3. Loaded toboggan – rear – Each candidate assists in the operation of a loaded toboggan from the tail rope (rear) position. Skills evaluated include communication with the patient and front operator, rope management, belay techniques, non-emergency, and emergency braking, right and left traverses on 

more and most difficult terrain, traversing flat slopes, and toboggan operation in the fall line. Demonstration of these skills will be performed in a variety of snow conditions on more difficult and most difficult, groomed and moguled terrain. 

4. Resources required – Cooperation of ski area management and the patrol representative at the hosting area is necessary to provide access to terrain suitable for training Senior Alpine candidates. 

4.1. Instructors – Toboggan Examiners are selected by the region transportation supervisor and region senior coordinator who are current Senior Alpine patrollers. Each evaluator/instructor should be capable of demonstrating the required skills in varied snow conditions on more and most difficult terrain. 

4.2. Helpers – These may include patrollers and candidates who assist in uphill transportation of toboggans and patients for loaded sled activities. All should sign appropriate release forms to participate. 

4.3. Equipment – Functional toboggans equipped with tail ropes. 

4.4. Educational materials Outdoor Emergency Transportation Manual (optional); and Training Patrollers Effectively (optional) Division Senior Alpine Manuals (Division Specific) 

5. Instructor credentials – Examiners are NSP toboggan instructors who maintain Senior Alpine classification and are capable of demonstrating the required skills in varied snow conditions on more and most difficult terrain. 

6. Course prerequisites – Participants need to have candidate status in the Alpine Senior Program and be recommended by a patrol representative and or have obtained Division Specific Sign-offs (Select Division prerequisite) 

7. Evaluation format – Ski-along 

8. Grade scale/structure – The grading scale varies. Some regions use a 1-10 scale, some use a “+”, “=”, “-“ scale. 

9. Reporting requirements – 

9.1. Class registration – The course is to be registered by the region/division OET supervisor or Division Specific Senior Program Administrator, who is the Instructor of Record (IOR). 

9.2. Course completion report – The IOR will send the course completion report to the NSP’s national office within two weeks of the course completion date per the NSP’s Policies and Procedures. Delivery options include emailed copies, fax copies or hard copies. 

9.3. Course feedback form – The course feedback form is completed by all participants and submitted at the end of the course. These forms are available online, through the division toboggan supervisor, or through the NSP’s national office. 

10. Risk management considerations – Standard risks apply to toboggan training exercises. Risk mitigation may include use of tail rope during sled runs, use of less populated slopes, and avoiding popular areas during peak operating hours. 

11. Conflict resolution – Complaints can be taken to the IOR, region senior coordinator, region OET supervisor, or division OET supervisor. 

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